to the homepage of Dynamical Systems and Chaos, an undergraduate course offered yearly by the Complexity Group. This course addresses unexperienced students eager to learn the theoretical foundations of dynamical systems. Its syllabus includes discrete mappings, bifurcation theory (in both continuous and discrete systems), strange attractors, fractals, etc. In addition to these topics the final lectures of the course will be dedicated to the numerical treatment of ordinary differential equations with emphasis on (embedded) Runge-Kutta methods.
The course is taught by Prof. Mogens Høgh Jensen.
The first course will be at the 6th/Feb/2023 (Monday). Time and place are arranged as following, for detailed content of the lectures and exercises, go to the Exercises link on the top.
Mondays 13:15-14:15 (Bib. 4-0-17, DIKU);
Wednesdays 10:15-12:00 (Aud. 4, HCO)
The exercise sessions are held by Lukas Wolf Kristensen og Anjali Yadav. If you have questions, ideas, concerns, you are always welcome to mail them.
Lukas Wolf Kristensen, NBI,, Anjali Yadav, NBI,
Mondays 14:30(ca)-16:30; ((DIKU, bib 4-0-17)
Wednesdays 13:15-15:00; (DIKU, bib 4-0-17)
The solutions of all the exercises are online. First look at them after you have tried yourself!!
The main textbook used on this course is: Steven H. Strogatz' Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos (Addison Wesley, 1994, 2015 or 2024 (PS: All are OK)). Additional materials will be provided for the numerical treatment of ordinary differential equations and bifurcation theory in continuous systems. Appurtenant lecture notes will be available for discrete mappings and their role in the numerical solution of continuous dynamical systems.